-e a quem é que isso interessa?
-Pois bem, talvez a ninguém. Mas só vê isto quem quer.
Por opção resolvemos não colocar "contador"; (não o ciclista, ha ha ha) e por isso não sabemos se alguém anda a ver este "pseudo-diário", "pseudo-Big brother", este blog!
Is anyone out there?
-Vamos colocar algumas citações do livro...no futuro.
sexta-feira, 31 de julho de 2009
""A única diferença entre mim e um louco é que eu não estou louco"" — Salvador Dalí
E no meu caso, ...qual é a diferença?
Dizem-me que há neuroses, psicoses, e mais umas quantes oses.
Loucura é termo que actualmente psiquiatras e psicólogos não usam.
-isso é bom e é mau!
-é bom porque o conhecimento acerca das doenças psiquiátricas ou psicológicas (do meu ponto de vista, intimamente interligadas; infelizmente ainda há alguns psiquiatras que acham que tudo é psiquiátrico e alguns psicólogos que acham que tudo é psicológico) aumentou imenso nas últimas décadas o que se reflecte na terminologia usada, nos tratamentos, no "poder curar"; embora ainda assim me digam, os especialistas, que o défice de tratamentos é mais do que muito.
-e embora ainda seja tabú, à excepção da "depressão"; o "stress" e a "depressão" tornaram-se de alguma maneira "moda" e muitas vezes incorrectamente diagnosticados.
-Infelizmente, ainda há muita ignorância no público geral/ comum (como uma vez me disse um polícia, nos "populares", onde me incluo) sobre as inúmeras doenças psiquiátricas/ psicológicas.
-Um dos problemas para ser "mau" terem "exterminado" o termo "loucura" é, por exemplo, também quererem "exterminar" as clínicas psiquiátricas, os "hospícios".
-melhorá-los seria, do meu ponto de vista, uma alternativa bem mais saudável;
-não se vê num hospital misturar doentes com doenças contagiosas, digamos pulmonares, com um paciente com cancro pulmonar; então porque se põe "tudo ao molho" num hospital psiquiátrico (nos muito poucos que ainda existem)?
-num tratamento psiquiátrico será muito importante, por exemplo, algo tão simples como a toma regular dos medicamentos (embora talvez essa seja a "tarefa" mais exequível), porém essa será porventura uma tarefa dantesca para um paciente com uma determinada patologia (devo neste ponto ou até antes ainda, devo dizer que não sou médica nem psicóloga clínica). A alteração também do paradigma familiar, do padrão familiar, de cada vez mais pessoas viverem sozinhas.
(aqui vou deixar, pelo menos por agora, muitas questões psicológicas, psiquiátricas, sociológicas que poderiam ser abordadas).
A patologia psiquiátrica (quase como o desemprego; perdoem-me os puristas a comparação) é uma doença contagiosa!! -e é quase certo que pelo menos todos os membros da família ficarão afectados, com variantes mais ou menos graves. Não digo que se devam por isso afastá-los da sociedade. é o contrário disso o que sugiro. Sugiro que se dê mais atenção a esses casos e que efectivamente se tratem. A curto prazo é fundamental um bom psiquiatra e a médio/ longo prazo um acompanhamento de um bom psicólogo. (e é escandalosa a falta de psiquiatras para um público supostamente saudável que se faz sentir...mas também o é de dentistas, de ginecologistas, e a lista continua)
Por não ser psiquiatra nem psicólogo, e esperando não estar a escrever um grande disparate, posso dar-me ao luxo (?!) de dizer que "há os loucos e os não loucos"; não quer dizer que os não loucos não sejam pacientes sem patologias psiquiátricas, bem pelo contrário. Assim, nesses é importante tratar a curto prazo, mas também entender e levá-los a entender quais as causas, quais os sintomas, como evitá-los, como evitar recaídas.
Muitas vezes gosto de dar o exemplo da diabetes. toda a gente é diabética; ninguém tem qualquer tipo de complexo de dizer "sou diabético". e um diabético é um paciente com uma doença crónica, o que implica que toda a vida vai tomar medicamentos, não para curar, mas para "viver bem" com aquela condição. Também nos diabéticos há "os loucos e os não-loucos".
Talvez seja um exemplo tolo, mas eu acho que ilustra bem o que pretendo dizer.
Tive a sorte de conhecer alguns dos melhores psiquiatras que há no nosso país. Tive o "azar" de "precisar de um psiquiatra". Infelizmente não fiz o tratamento de média/ longa duração. A "vantagem" dos loucos é que a sua condição é visivelmente vísivel; a desvantagem dos não-loucos psiquiatricamente doentes é que a sua doença
(atrevo-me a dizê-lo; porquê dizer condição?! a asma também é uma condição mas ninguém diz que não é uma doença; um cego é um cego, um surdo um surdo, uma mentira não é uma inverdade! ainda o "mau" de se ter acabado com a denominação de "louco" é que talvez não passe de mais um termo que era politicamente incorrecto e por isso pedia a sua "exterminação" assim como os loucos numa sociedade de "pessoas visivelmente perfeitas e saudáveis"; Não vos deixai iludir pelas aparências)
é "muda"! Perturba terrivelmente a própria vida...mas é silenciosa...desde que não perturbe mais ninguém...não pretendo ser cínica.
-Foram raras as pessoas a quem disse que tinha tratamento psiquiátrico. Também porque prezo a minha privacidade. Mas julgo que essa não terá sido a principal razão.
-Uma vez fui com uma amiga a um psiquiatra. A minha amiga julgava que estava a ficar "louca" e a psiquiatra perguntou mas "o que é um louco". Pergunta injusta e cruel para um paciente "naquela condição". Foi, talvez, uma das melhores psiquiatras que conheci. Infelizmente apenas operava em hospitais públicos.
-E então?, a pergunta inicial era "qual a diferença entre mim e um louco?"
-Da próxima vez que for ao psiquiatra, talvez lhe pergunte? Porque eu não sei a resposta!
Talvez seja a de Dalí. Será. Talvez eu não esteja louca.
O psiquiatra (outra mão de Deus que conheci) disse que a loucura chega sem avisar.
Por favor, se a virem digam-lhe que eu saí e não sei quando volto.
e agora alguns filmes maravilhosos sobre "a loucura"
(a Margarida odiava quando dizíamos que éramos histéricas; e nós nunca tínhamos percebido muito bem porquê. Penso que o compreendi ao ver alguns destes filmes)
1)Splendor in the Grass (1961); Elia Kazan
2)os filmes com James Dean (pelo menos os que vi; vi 3 (penso) o homem/actor era perturbante)
3)A Streetcar Named Desire (1951); Elia Kazan
4)Awakenings, 1990; Penny Marshall
5) Lilith (1964); Robert Rossen
e outros de Loucura/ para loucos/ para perturbar/ para perturbados:
6)M. Butterfly (1993)
Directed by David Cronenberg. With Jeremy Irons, John Lone, Barbara Sukowa. In 1960s China, French diplomat Rene Gallimard falls in love with an opera ...www.imdb.com/title/tt0107468/
(JL penso que "um amor obsessivo" pode ser colocado nesta "prateleira")
7) Dead Ringers (1988);David Cronenberg
8) Talvez o Cronenberg em si mesmo/ realizador esteja perfeitamente colocado nesta "prateleira"
9)The Red Shoes (1948)
(este vi há muito muito tempo e não nas melhores condições...mas ainda assim, penso que se enquadra bem aqui)
10) Dolls (2002); Takeshi Kitano
Penso que é uma boa lista!
E prova que "de loucos e poetas todos temos um pouco"; felizmente para uns e infelizmente para outros, outros têm mais que uns.
E no meu caso, ...qual é a diferença?
Dizem-me que há neuroses, psicoses, e mais umas quantes oses.
Loucura é termo que actualmente psiquiatras e psicólogos não usam.
-isso é bom e é mau!
-é bom porque o conhecimento acerca das doenças psiquiátricas ou psicológicas (do meu ponto de vista, intimamente interligadas; infelizmente ainda há alguns psiquiatras que acham que tudo é psiquiátrico e alguns psicólogos que acham que tudo é psicológico) aumentou imenso nas últimas décadas o que se reflecte na terminologia usada, nos tratamentos, no "poder curar"; embora ainda assim me digam, os especialistas, que o défice de tratamentos é mais do que muito.
-e embora ainda seja tabú, à excepção da "depressão"; o "stress" e a "depressão" tornaram-se de alguma maneira "moda" e muitas vezes incorrectamente diagnosticados.
-Infelizmente, ainda há muita ignorância no público geral/ comum (como uma vez me disse um polícia, nos "populares", onde me incluo) sobre as inúmeras doenças psiquiátricas/ psicológicas.
-Um dos problemas para ser "mau" terem "exterminado" o termo "loucura" é, por exemplo, também quererem "exterminar" as clínicas psiquiátricas, os "hospícios".
-melhorá-los seria, do meu ponto de vista, uma alternativa bem mais saudável;
-não se vê num hospital misturar doentes com doenças contagiosas, digamos pulmonares, com um paciente com cancro pulmonar; então porque se põe "tudo ao molho" num hospital psiquiátrico (nos muito poucos que ainda existem)?
-num tratamento psiquiátrico será muito importante, por exemplo, algo tão simples como a toma regular dos medicamentos (embora talvez essa seja a "tarefa" mais exequível), porém essa será porventura uma tarefa dantesca para um paciente com uma determinada patologia (devo neste ponto ou até antes ainda, devo dizer que não sou médica nem psicóloga clínica). A alteração também do paradigma familiar, do padrão familiar, de cada vez mais pessoas viverem sozinhas.
(aqui vou deixar, pelo menos por agora, muitas questões psicológicas, psiquiátricas, sociológicas que poderiam ser abordadas).
A patologia psiquiátrica (quase como o desemprego; perdoem-me os puristas a comparação) é uma doença contagiosa!! -e é quase certo que pelo menos todos os membros da família ficarão afectados, com variantes mais ou menos graves. Não digo que se devam por isso afastá-los da sociedade. é o contrário disso o que sugiro. Sugiro que se dê mais atenção a esses casos e que efectivamente se tratem. A curto prazo é fundamental um bom psiquiatra e a médio/ longo prazo um acompanhamento de um bom psicólogo. (e é escandalosa a falta de psiquiatras para um público supostamente saudável que se faz sentir...mas também o é de dentistas, de ginecologistas, e a lista continua)
Por não ser psiquiatra nem psicólogo, e esperando não estar a escrever um grande disparate, posso dar-me ao luxo (?!) de dizer que "há os loucos e os não loucos"; não quer dizer que os não loucos não sejam pacientes sem patologias psiquiátricas, bem pelo contrário. Assim, nesses é importante tratar a curto prazo, mas também entender e levá-los a entender quais as causas, quais os sintomas, como evitá-los, como evitar recaídas.
Muitas vezes gosto de dar o exemplo da diabetes. toda a gente é diabética; ninguém tem qualquer tipo de complexo de dizer "sou diabético". e um diabético é um paciente com uma doença crónica, o que implica que toda a vida vai tomar medicamentos, não para curar, mas para "viver bem" com aquela condição. Também nos diabéticos há "os loucos e os não-loucos".
Talvez seja um exemplo tolo, mas eu acho que ilustra bem o que pretendo dizer.
Tive a sorte de conhecer alguns dos melhores psiquiatras que há no nosso país. Tive o "azar" de "precisar de um psiquiatra". Infelizmente não fiz o tratamento de média/ longa duração. A "vantagem" dos loucos é que a sua condição é visivelmente vísivel; a desvantagem dos não-loucos psiquiatricamente doentes é que a sua doença
(atrevo-me a dizê-lo; porquê dizer condição?! a asma também é uma condição mas ninguém diz que não é uma doença; um cego é um cego, um surdo um surdo, uma mentira não é uma inverdade! ainda o "mau" de se ter acabado com a denominação de "louco" é que talvez não passe de mais um termo que era politicamente incorrecto e por isso pedia a sua "exterminação" assim como os loucos numa sociedade de "pessoas visivelmente perfeitas e saudáveis"; Não vos deixai iludir pelas aparências)
é "muda"! Perturba terrivelmente a própria vida...mas é silenciosa...desde que não perturbe mais ninguém...não pretendo ser cínica.
-Foram raras as pessoas a quem disse que tinha tratamento psiquiátrico. Também porque prezo a minha privacidade. Mas julgo que essa não terá sido a principal razão.
-Uma vez fui com uma amiga a um psiquiatra. A minha amiga julgava que estava a ficar "louca" e a psiquiatra perguntou mas "o que é um louco". Pergunta injusta e cruel para um paciente "naquela condição". Foi, talvez, uma das melhores psiquiatras que conheci. Infelizmente apenas operava em hospitais públicos.
-E então?, a pergunta inicial era "qual a diferença entre mim e um louco?"
-Da próxima vez que for ao psiquiatra, talvez lhe pergunte? Porque eu não sei a resposta!
Talvez seja a de Dalí. Será. Talvez eu não esteja louca.
O psiquiatra (outra mão de Deus que conheci) disse que a loucura chega sem avisar.
Por favor, se a virem digam-lhe que eu saí e não sei quando volto.
e agora alguns filmes maravilhosos sobre "a loucura"
(a Margarida odiava quando dizíamos que éramos histéricas; e nós nunca tínhamos percebido muito bem porquê. Penso que o compreendi ao ver alguns destes filmes)
1)Splendor in the Grass (1961); Elia Kazan
2)os filmes com James Dean (pelo menos os que vi; vi 3 (penso) o homem/actor era perturbante)
3)A Streetcar Named Desire (1951); Elia Kazan
4)Awakenings, 1990; Penny Marshall
5) Lilith (1964); Robert Rossen
e outros de Loucura/ para loucos/ para perturbar/ para perturbados:
6)M. Butterfly (1993)
Directed by David Cronenberg. With Jeremy Irons, John Lone, Barbara Sukowa. In 1960s China, French diplomat Rene Gallimard falls in love with an opera ...www.imdb.com/title/tt0107468/
(JL penso que "um amor obsessivo" pode ser colocado nesta "prateleira")
7) Dead Ringers (1988);David Cronenberg
8) Talvez o Cronenberg em si mesmo/ realizador esteja perfeitamente colocado nesta "prateleira"
9)The Red Shoes (1948)
(este vi há muito muito tempo e não nas melhores condições...mas ainda assim, penso que se enquadra bem aqui)
10) Dolls (2002); Takeshi Kitano
Penso que é uma boa lista!
E prova que "de loucos e poetas todos temos um pouco"; felizmente para uns e infelizmente para outros, outros têm mais que uns.
"The lies we tell are bound on film"
I rewrite my life beneath the moonlight,
Please hold me now till my breath runs out,
There are many things that I am not,
But there's one thing that I cant deny
A double bluff you fed me lines,
The shortest cut you're searching for,
A mesh of tones surround your eyes,
I wish I knew how it came to this
I always said you could rely on me,
Now it seems that I was wrong,
I want you to stay,
I want you to stay with me
Cos nothing works round here,
Where cranes collect the sky,
I long for the neon signs of night,
Cos nothing works round here,
You know the way I feel,
Can you remember what we had?
Why do you think
I over take?
I speak to you and you don't say no,
A camera runs just to collect,
I wish I knew how it came to this
The lies we tell are bound on film,
And you start to push your lips to mine,
Outside my room you closed your eyes,
And in the end it came to this
I always said you could rely on me,
Now it seems that I was wrong,
I want you to stay,
I want you to stay with me
Cos nothing works round here,
Where cranes collect the sky,
I think of your face at night,
Cos nothing works round here
You know the way I feel
Can you remember what we had?
As time gets more compressed,
You're always my reminder,
A lifetime disappears,
Can you remember what we had?
As time gets more compressed,
You're always my reminder,
You're always my reminder
You know the way I feel,You know the way I feel
Continuo a "amar" esta canção e todo este CD. Será geracional?! -Então que eu nunca faça 30! De qualquer maneira que eu nunca chegue aos 30.
Talvez, apenas depois de atingir a sabedoria holística, o nirvana!
e mais extractos:
"I'll do graffiti if you sing to me in French,
What are we doing here if romance isn't dead,
Stay in line on the foreign trip,
Waking up when I need a lift"
"I wrote my feelings down in a rush,
I didn't even check the spelling,
Enclosed the postcard of a painting
And I'm losing more than I'll ever have,
I'm losing more than I'll ever give to you"~
"I feed my body with things that I don't need,
Until I sink to the bottom,
Don't act like it came as a surprise,
Don't believe me even look into these eyes
Do you ever want to wear your body out,
Until there's nothing left to take,
The one began to push away,
As midnight come to soon again
I'm going missing for a while,
I've got nothing left to lose,
Oooh I'll listen to anything,
I've got nothing in defence,
I've got nothing left to lose,
Oooh I'll listen to anything"
"What happens when you lose everything
you just start again
you start all over again"
Please hold me now till my breath runs out,
There are many things that I am not,
But there's one thing that I cant deny
A double bluff you fed me lines,
The shortest cut you're searching for,
A mesh of tones surround your eyes,
I wish I knew how it came to this
I always said you could rely on me,
Now it seems that I was wrong,
I want you to stay,
I want you to stay with me
Cos nothing works round here,
Where cranes collect the sky,
I long for the neon signs of night,
Cos nothing works round here,
You know the way I feel,
Can you remember what we had?
Why do you think
I over take?
I speak to you and you don't say no,
A camera runs just to collect,
I wish I knew how it came to this
The lies we tell are bound on film,
And you start to push your lips to mine,
Outside my room you closed your eyes,
And in the end it came to this
I always said you could rely on me,
Now it seems that I was wrong,
I want you to stay,
I want you to stay with me
Cos nothing works round here,
Where cranes collect the sky,
I think of your face at night,
Cos nothing works round here
You know the way I feel
Can you remember what we had?
As time gets more compressed,
You're always my reminder,
A lifetime disappears,
Can you remember what we had?
As time gets more compressed,
You're always my reminder,
You're always my reminder
You know the way I feel,You know the way I feel
Continuo a "amar" esta canção e todo este CD. Será geracional?! -Então que eu nunca faça 30! De qualquer maneira que eu nunca chegue aos 30.
Talvez, apenas depois de atingir a sabedoria holística, o nirvana!
e mais extractos:
"I'll do graffiti if you sing to me in French,
What are we doing here if romance isn't dead,
Stay in line on the foreign trip,
Waking up when I need a lift"
"I wrote my feelings down in a rush,
I didn't even check the spelling,
Enclosed the postcard of a painting
And I'm losing more than I'll ever have,
I'm losing more than I'll ever give to you"~
"I feed my body with things that I don't need,
Until I sink to the bottom,
Don't act like it came as a surprise,
Don't believe me even look into these eyes
Do you ever want to wear your body out,
Until there's nothing left to take,
The one began to push away,
As midnight come to soon again
I'm going missing for a while,
I've got nothing left to lose,
Oooh I'll listen to anything,
I've got nothing in defence,
I've got nothing left to lose,
Oooh I'll listen to anything"
"What happens when you lose everything
you just start again
you start all over again"
domingo, 26 de julho de 2009
are you planing to call?! I would like too...I´m kind of too anxious and i think talking to you might help...well, maybe not...and if i send this then you i don't know if you are calling because you want or because you think i need/ want
and fear to always be a failure in the society.
Is it darling? Have you been so lonely?
I am indeed. Did i tell you that i am christian? I believe that only maybe my spirituatility and my faith might help me fill this hole. when i forget about that...i just fuck. and it's nice. but at the end the hole is even deeper. Do you think you can help me, honey? Not fucking. not today. today i don't feel like fucking? Do you know being unemployed makes the hole even deeper. ....
and fear to always be a failure in the society.
Is it darling? Have you been so lonely?
I am indeed. Did i tell you that i am christian? I believe that only maybe my spirituatility and my faith might help me fill this hole. when i forget about that...i just fuck. and it's nice. but at the end the hole is even deeper. Do you think you can help me, honey? Not fucking. not today. today i don't feel like fucking? Do you know being unemployed makes the hole even deeper. ....
sábado, 25 de julho de 2009
Jump; Inspirador?!
There's only so much you can learn in one place
The more that I wait, the more time that I waste
I havn't got much time to waste
It's time to make my wayI
'm not afraid of what I'll face
But I'm afraid to stay
I'm going down my road and I can make it alone
I'll work and I'll fight till I find a place of my own[Chorus]
Are you ready to jump
Get ready to jump
Don't ever look back oh babyYes, I'm ready to jumpJust take my handget ready to jumpWe learned out lesson from the startMy sisters and meThe only thing you can depend onIs your familyLife's gonna drop you down like a limb from a treeIt sways and it swings and it bends until it makes you see[Chorus]Are you ready?There's only so much you can learn in one placeThe more that you waitThe more time that you wasteI'll work and I'll fight till I find a place of my ownIt sways and it swings and it bends until you make it your ownI can make it alone [repeat](my sisters and me)
The more that I wait, the more time that I waste
I havn't got much time to waste
It's time to make my wayI
'm not afraid of what I'll face
But I'm afraid to stay
I'm going down my road and I can make it alone
I'll work and I'll fight till I find a place of my own[Chorus]
Are you ready to jump
Get ready to jump
Don't ever look back oh babyYes, I'm ready to jumpJust take my handget ready to jumpWe learned out lesson from the startMy sisters and meThe only thing you can depend onIs your familyLife's gonna drop you down like a limb from a treeIt sways and it swings and it bends until it makes you see[Chorus]Are you ready?There's only so much you can learn in one placeThe more that you waitThe more time that you wasteI'll work and I'll fight till I find a place of my ownIt sways and it swings and it bends until you make it your ownI can make it alone [repeat](my sisters and me)
"eu tenho 2 amores"
Standing on the corner,
Suitcase in my hand
Jack is in his corset, and jane is her vest,
And me Im in a rocknroll band hah!
Ridin in a stutz bear cat, jim
You know, those were different times!
Oh, all the poets they studied rules of verse
And those ladies, they rolled their eyesS
weet jane! whoa! sweet jane, oh-oh-a! sweet jane!
Ill tell you something
Jack, he is a banker
And jane, she is a clerk
Both of them save their monies, ha
And when, when they come home from work
Oh, sittin down by the fire, oh!
The radio does play
The classical music there, jim
The march of the wooden soldiers
All you protest kids
You can hear jack say, get ready, ah
Sweet jane! come on baby! sweet jane! oh-oh-a! sweet jane!
Some people, they like to go out dancing
And other peoples, they have to work, just watch me now!
And theres even some evil mothers
Well theyre gonna tell you that everything is just dirt
Yknow that, women, never really faint
And that villains always blink their eyes, woo!
And that, yknow, children are the only ones who blush!
And that, life is just to die!
And, everyone who ever had a heart
They wouldnt turn around and break it
And anyone who ever played a part
Oh wouldnt turn around and hate it!
Sweet jane! whoa-oh-oh! sweet jane! sweet jane!
Heavenly wine and rosesS
eems to whisper to her when he smiles
Heavenly wine and rosesSeems to whisper to her when she smilesLa lala lala la, la lala lala laSweet janeSweet jane
Sweet Jane, sweet JaneSweet, sweet Jane
You're waiting For Jimmy down in the alley
Waiting there For him to come back homeWaiting down on the cornerAnd thinking of ways To get back home
Suitcase in my hand
Jack is in his corset, and jane is her vest,
And me Im in a rocknroll band hah!
Ridin in a stutz bear cat, jim
You know, those were different times!
Oh, all the poets they studied rules of verse
And those ladies, they rolled their eyesS
weet jane! whoa! sweet jane, oh-oh-a! sweet jane!
Ill tell you something
Jack, he is a banker
And jane, she is a clerk
Both of them save their monies, ha
And when, when they come home from work
Oh, sittin down by the fire, oh!
The radio does play
The classical music there, jim
The march of the wooden soldiers
All you protest kids
You can hear jack say, get ready, ah
Sweet jane! come on baby! sweet jane! oh-oh-a! sweet jane!
Some people, they like to go out dancing
And other peoples, they have to work, just watch me now!
And theres even some evil mothers
Well theyre gonna tell you that everything is just dirt
Yknow that, women, never really faint
And that villains always blink their eyes, woo!
And that, yknow, children are the only ones who blush!
And that, life is just to die!
And, everyone who ever had a heart
They wouldnt turn around and break it
And anyone who ever played a part
Oh wouldnt turn around and hate it!
Sweet jane! whoa-oh-oh! sweet jane! sweet jane!
Heavenly wine and rosesS
eems to whisper to her when he smiles
Heavenly wine and rosesSeems to whisper to her when she smilesLa lala lala la, la lala lala laSweet janeSweet jane
Sweet Jane, sweet JaneSweet, sweet Jane
You're waiting For Jimmy down in the alley
Waiting there For him to come back homeWaiting down on the cornerAnd thinking of ways To get back home
O perfil ideal!
"Just like the films"
I've nothing much to offer
There's nothing much to take
I'm an absolute beginner
And I'm absolutely sane
As long as we're together
The rest can go to hell
I absolutely love you
But we're absolute beginners
With eyes completely open
But nervous all the same
If our love song
Could fly over mountains
Could laugh at the ocean
Just like the films
There's no reason
To feel all the hard times
To lay down the hard lines
It's absolutely true
Nothing much could happen
Nothing we can't shake
Oh we're absolute beginners
With nothing much at stake
As long as you're still smiling
There's nothing more I need
I absolutely love you
But we're absolute beginners
But if my love is your love
We're certain to succeed
If our love song
Could fly over mountains
Sail over heartaches
Just like the films
There's no reason
To feel all the hard times
To lay down the hard lines
It's absolutely true
There's nothing much to take
I'm an absolute beginner
And I'm absolutely sane
As long as we're together
The rest can go to hell
I absolutely love you
But we're absolute beginners
With eyes completely open
But nervous all the same
If our love song
Could fly over mountains
Could laugh at the ocean
Just like the films
There's no reason
To feel all the hard times
To lay down the hard lines
It's absolutely true
Nothing much could happen
Nothing we can't shake
Oh we're absolute beginners
With nothing much at stake
As long as you're still smiling
There's nothing more I need
I absolutely love you
But we're absolute beginners
But if my love is your love
We're certain to succeed
If our love song
Could fly over mountains
Sail over heartaches
Just like the films
There's no reason
To feel all the hard times
To lay down the hard lines
It's absolutely true
quarta-feira, 22 de julho de 2009
there was a time when we loved each other. I'm sure of that.
being together was everything that matter
it's called passion, my love
but then...something happen
i know i still crave your touch,
your lips
your love
your body
i still crave our love
and i do believe that there was a time when it wasn't just passion
it was love
i don't think there is love anymore
although i know
you still think you love me
perhaps i still love you
i'm sure i still crave your touch
your tongue
but we lost each other.
how did that happen? i don't know
e é melancólico ver que o nosso
aquilo que era nosso
se perdeu
then i kind of felt alone
i was feeling lonely
i know it's not an excuse
but i will use it as an excuse
i was lonely
and although we were still together
there was a hole
an empty space
and i need someone
someone that at least pretends it cares about me
it understands me
and there he was
and you felt betrayed
you still do
and i hurted my self
hurted you, especially you
i hope you do believe i never meant to heart you. NEVER
then i runed away
but ou kind of runed after me
and i'm just a woman, man
i'm human, too human, too woman
i know you don't believe that
i love the way you see me
and i love the way you touch me
so many times i thought that
"what's the use of having a body
if he's not going to touch me"
i know you don't believe me
or maybe you do
do you think i'm too common
Please don't. above all don't do that
it would kill me.
yeah so many times i see a part of me is dead
but i'm still alive
and althoug i know we can't stay together
so many times all i wish is lay down in your arms
and stay there forever
i runed
and then
then someone else appeared
i don't know what it was
what it is?
He's across the world
and i provably will never see him again
i think he listened me
i think we were both in a hole
so we could see each other
and once again i was lonely and alone.
I hope you can forgive me one day
i hope i tell you one day
but i have a huge fear
because on that day
i will completly loose you
loose your trust
your love
your kisses
but my biggest fear is
that you loose yourself on that day.
so provably i will never tell you
that's my excuse
i never told you i was higher
only you saw me like that
but, please do forgive me
and please know that i never wanted to hurt you
and that is also why i have to get away from you
I hope you forgive me one day.
and mostly i hope i forgive myself.
To my love!
being together was everything that matter
it's called passion, my love
but then...something happen
i know i still crave your touch,
your lips
your love
your body
i still crave our love
and i do believe that there was a time when it wasn't just passion
it was love
i don't think there is love anymore
although i know
you still think you love me
perhaps i still love you
i'm sure i still crave your touch
your tongue
but we lost each other.
how did that happen? i don't know
e é melancólico ver que o nosso
aquilo que era nosso
se perdeu
then i kind of felt alone
i was feeling lonely
i know it's not an excuse
but i will use it as an excuse
i was lonely
and although we were still together
there was a hole
an empty space
and i need someone
someone that at least pretends it cares about me
it understands me
and there he was
and you felt betrayed
you still do
and i hurted my self
hurted you, especially you
i hope you do believe i never meant to heart you. NEVER
then i runed away
but ou kind of runed after me
and i'm just a woman, man
i'm human, too human, too woman
i know you don't believe that
i love the way you see me
and i love the way you touch me
so many times i thought that
"what's the use of having a body
if he's not going to touch me"
i know you don't believe me
or maybe you do
do you think i'm too common
Please don't. above all don't do that
it would kill me.
yeah so many times i see a part of me is dead
but i'm still alive
and althoug i know we can't stay together
so many times all i wish is lay down in your arms
and stay there forever
i runed
and then
then someone else appeared
i don't know what it was
what it is?
He's across the world
and i provably will never see him again
i think he listened me
i think we were both in a hole
so we could see each other
and once again i was lonely and alone.
I hope you can forgive me one day
i hope i tell you one day
but i have a huge fear
because on that day
i will completly loose you
loose your trust
your love
your kisses
but my biggest fear is
that you loose yourself on that day.
so provably i will never tell you
that's my excuse
i never told you i was higher
only you saw me like that
but, please do forgive me
and please know that i never wanted to hurt you
and that is also why i have to get away from you
I hope you forgive me one day.
and mostly i hope i forgive myself.
To my love!
segunda-feira, 20 de julho de 2009
quinta-feira, 16 de julho de 2009
"tão dramaturgicamente correcto"
You got me by João Lopes
"Faz-nos acreditar que a vida é literatura"
"relevo dos teus seios no decote"
"mas era só por não saber lidar com a precisão dos teus termos....imaginando sempre os meus dedos dentro de ti. Os dedos, meu amor? Não consegues ser um pouco mais romântico? Ou, pelo menos, não dizer tudo o que te passa pela cabeça?"
"põe termo à vida ao som de canção obsessiva"
"Os jornais ainda usam a palavra amante?"
"quietude sem retorno"
"deixando-me contemplar-te como uma estátua eternizada pela razão do meu olhar"
"Não chores por mim, claro."
"E consigo olhar a tua nudez como se fosse virgem... Perdoa-me ser tão infantil."
"e os dedos no meu ventre...Fica aí. Para sempre. Bem vês, estou ocupado a decidir se...
...mas a onda número cinco é sempre espectacular. Eu sei."
"Faz-nos acreditar que a vida é literatura"
"relevo dos teus seios no decote"
"mas era só por não saber lidar com a precisão dos teus termos....imaginando sempre os meus dedos dentro de ti. Os dedos, meu amor? Não consegues ser um pouco mais romântico? Ou, pelo menos, não dizer tudo o que te passa pela cabeça?"
"põe termo à vida ao som de canção obsessiva"
"Os jornais ainda usam a palavra amante?"
"quietude sem retorno"
"deixando-me contemplar-te como uma estátua eternizada pela razão do meu olhar"
"Não chores por mim, claro."
"E consigo olhar a tua nudez como se fosse virgem... Perdoa-me ser tão infantil."
"e os dedos no meu ventre...Fica aí. Para sempre. Bem vês, estou ocupado a decidir se...
...mas a onda número cinco é sempre espectacular. Eu sei."
sábado, 11 de julho de 2009
there is no band
something like this
"there is no band
and yet
we can still hear the band" correcção "the music"
If you haven't seen yet, you can see it today!
just see it today or whenever
"don't expect logic"
"there is no band
and yet
we can still hear the band" correcção "the music"
If you haven't seen yet, you can see it today!
just see it today or whenever
"don't expect logic"
Fucking an unemployed person!
Hi Guys
I’m alive…and not in Chicago!
As you will see…if you continue reading this fucking joke:
1) this blog sucks;
2) this is my blog, then it can suck and it’s not your business;
3) I really enjoy using the word fuck;
4) English is not my mother tongue as we can easily see (I’m trying to improve my English! And if you want to know what’ my mother tongue you have to continue reading (maybe I could be a good marketer!)…and eventually (if you get to know me that’s for sure) you would want to taste it. Yam (I don´t read cartoons then I don’t know which (what’s the word?) to use;
5) My name in this blog is E. and want to pretend that I’m funny although I know I’m not; but in this times and being unemployed, what else can I do? –yes it is a question and I will accept answers…if they are serious!
Let’s get started (rights of author)
Rewind, I forgot one thing, a lot of what mean to be jokes you wont understand, because they are personal jokes and because I’m too self centered.
Let’s get started again.
Today, the topic is Unemployment
As I said before I’m unemployed…and so a lot of my friends. Unfortunatelly this is not a joke.
Yesterday, I may have found the reason why it happened. I was reading a chronicle (an ironic one or so I think; if I can find the author I will write the reference…but then people can think I’m using is name to have more readers…so for now, let’s say this chronicle was in a magazine that I was reading while waiting for an interview) and there it was the reason! (please, someone put here the symbol of a light, great discovery, EUREKA!) It is a contagious disease!
Apparently normal people (employed) shouldn’t sleep neither being with contact with employed people. FUCK! (wait a second you are here to read not to fuck anyone; forget if you thought it was that kind of blog). So not only we are unemployed as we can’t fuck anyone. And the sad truth is that now that we have all the time and we could spend it on preliminars and on good sex…we don’t really feel like! And if we do…we will find guilty! “Life oh life oh life”
Yeah, because all the other good healthy, employed people are so busy. And many of them like to preach that they are so busy, that they don’t even have time to breath…to say hi to an unemployed friend…well, I’m sure they heard it is a contagious disease.
Apparently we have 2 options (I hope and I do believe there are more…but so far I just met these 2…then I will just talk about what I met!). We work so hard that we forget there are other things than work (if you are lucky to have a job) or we are unemployed…and you forget that you have a life. “TRAGIC”
This was supposed to be a blog with fun…but I really don’t have fun. And who the fuck starts with this topic?!
-only a sick person.
-This crazy people made as –burgeous people- believe that you could work, earn money, and enjoy life.
-yes, I know they will say “poor girl” (did I tell you I’m a girl? If you wasted your time reading this, now you know); she’s so pessimistic; she must be with a depression.
-Hey clever people: of course I am; what else would I be writing this blog?
-and the fucking thing is that I don’t have money to go to a psychiatrist!
-I have a theory.
-I read Nietzsche when I was 18. So pornography is forbidden, but not Nietzsche?
Maybe that’s the reason why I am so nihilistic (at least I know the meaning of this fancy word, do you? Oh, you are more pornography. What can we do? Don’t give me the answer)
-See how self-centered I am? That’s my blog!!! I can.
I have a degree. Not in Linguistic of course! Most of the people would say (at least I think they would say): She´s a clever person. She has that degree, she must be clever. The others who don´t think/ say that:
a) don’t know what that degree is (neither do I)
b) are too snobes
c) took the same degree (yeah we are not clever at all, are we?! Ok, maybe some of you are! Then you should have another degree; don’t came here and give a bad image of Biochemistry; Did you see, they even talk about it in the Red Bull publicity…it must be good. I never tasted.
I’m alive…and not in Chicago!
As you will see…if you continue reading this fucking joke:
1) this blog sucks;
2) this is my blog, then it can suck and it’s not your business;
3) I really enjoy using the word fuck;
4) English is not my mother tongue as we can easily see (I’m trying to improve my English! And if you want to know what’ my mother tongue you have to continue reading (maybe I could be a good marketer!)…and eventually (if you get to know me that’s for sure) you would want to taste it. Yam (I don´t read cartoons then I don’t know which (what’s the word?) to use;
5) My name in this blog is E. and want to pretend that I’m funny although I know I’m not; but in this times and being unemployed, what else can I do? –yes it is a question and I will accept answers…if they are serious!
Let’s get started (rights of author)
Rewind, I forgot one thing, a lot of what mean to be jokes you wont understand, because they are personal jokes and because I’m too self centered.
Let’s get started again.
Today, the topic is Unemployment
As I said before I’m unemployed…and so a lot of my friends. Unfortunatelly this is not a joke.
Yesterday, I may have found the reason why it happened. I was reading a chronicle (an ironic one or so I think; if I can find the author I will write the reference…but then people can think I’m using is name to have more readers…so for now, let’s say this chronicle was in a magazine that I was reading while waiting for an interview) and there it was the reason! (please, someone put here the symbol of a light, great discovery, EUREKA!) It is a contagious disease!
Apparently normal people (employed) shouldn’t sleep neither being with contact with employed people. FUCK! (wait a second you are here to read not to fuck anyone; forget if you thought it was that kind of blog). So not only we are unemployed as we can’t fuck anyone. And the sad truth is that now that we have all the time and we could spend it on preliminars and on good sex…we don’t really feel like! And if we do…we will find guilty! “Life oh life oh life”
Yeah, because all the other good healthy, employed people are so busy. And many of them like to preach that they are so busy, that they don’t even have time to breath…to say hi to an unemployed friend…well, I’m sure they heard it is a contagious disease.
Apparently we have 2 options (I hope and I do believe there are more…but so far I just met these 2…then I will just talk about what I met!). We work so hard that we forget there are other things than work (if you are lucky to have a job) or we are unemployed…and you forget that you have a life. “TRAGIC”
This was supposed to be a blog with fun…but I really don’t have fun. And who the fuck starts with this topic?!
-only a sick person.
-This crazy people made as –burgeous people- believe that you could work, earn money, and enjoy life.
-yes, I know they will say “poor girl” (did I tell you I’m a girl? If you wasted your time reading this, now you know); she’s so pessimistic; she must be with a depression.
-Hey clever people: of course I am; what else would I be writing this blog?
-and the fucking thing is that I don’t have money to go to a psychiatrist!
-I have a theory.
-I read Nietzsche when I was 18. So pornography is forbidden, but not Nietzsche?
Maybe that’s the reason why I am so nihilistic (at least I know the meaning of this fancy word, do you? Oh, you are more pornography. What can we do? Don’t give me the answer)
-See how self-centered I am? That’s my blog!!! I can.
I have a degree. Not in Linguistic of course! Most of the people would say (at least I think they would say): She´s a clever person. She has that degree, she must be clever. The others who don´t think/ say that:
a) don’t know what that degree is (neither do I)
b) are too snobes
c) took the same degree (yeah we are not clever at all, are we?! Ok, maybe some of you are! Then you should have another degree; don’t came here and give a bad image of Biochemistry; Did you see, they even talk about it in the Red Bull publicity…it must be good. I never tasted.
domingo, 5 de julho de 2009
"Whoever you are, I've always depended on the kindness of strangers."
"A Streetcar Named Desire"; Elia Kazan
"A Streetcar Named Desire"; Elia Kazan
if only i could...
If you were here
Would you calm me down?
You settled this part
Feelings I fight
Feeling so bright
The feelings I fight
Or would you calm me down
When the night gets shadowed
We fast
If you were here
Would you calm me down
(We settled this part)
The man asleep(if you were here)KnockupI see it(you settled this part)They’re all aliveThe ghost of you lingersIt lingersMy lifeSo lightWould you settle this part?The ghost of you lingersAnd leavesI always think about itOh, would you calm me down?Right ChannelIf you were hereWould you calm me down?You settled this partFeelings I fightFeeling so brightThe feelings I fightAll the strangers in townWould know if you were hereWould you ease my mind?Come on!The sleep fled from my eyesAnd I, I know that I need someGive a thought to the one that you knowWe put on the clinic(if you were here)It felt good to me(would you calm me down)
Can’t see I’m losing it
Must have set up the scene
(would you calm me down)
Put on a clinic
But I will need to write(we settled this part)
Oh, would you ease my mind?YeahPut on a clinic till we hit theWallJust like a sailor with his wools beat softI had a light bad noon that could be put back togetherMy lifeSo lightIf you were hereWould you calm me down?lyrics from ALLYRICS.NET
If you were here
Would you calm me down?
You settled this part
Feelings I fight
Feeling so bright
The feelings I fight
Or would you calm me down
When the night gets shadowed
We fast
If you were here
Would you calm me down
(We settled this part)
The man asleep(if you were here)KnockupI see it(you settled this part)They’re all aliveThe ghost of you lingersIt lingersMy lifeSo lightWould you settle this part?The ghost of you lingersAnd leavesI always think about itOh, would you calm me down?Right ChannelIf you were hereWould you calm me down?You settled this partFeelings I fightFeeling so brightThe feelings I fightAll the strangers in townWould know if you were hereWould you ease my mind?Come on!The sleep fled from my eyesAnd I, I know that I need someGive a thought to the one that you knowWe put on the clinic(if you were here)It felt good to me(would you calm me down)
Can’t see I’m losing it
Must have set up the scene
(would you calm me down)
Put on a clinic
But I will need to write(we settled this part)
Oh, would you ease my mind?YeahPut on a clinic till we hit theWallJust like a sailor with his wools beat softI had a light bad noon that could be put back togetherMy lifeSo lightIf you were hereWould you calm me down?lyrics from ALLYRICS.NET
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