today I'm full of poison. hope tomorrow i forgot about today.
but whenever i most need it, i forget it's just breath control.
i'm not a nice girl.
but most of the times i try to be a nice person. it's not more expensive. i wonder if they know that.
how can i dedicate a post to all the mother fuckers and not talk about all of those nice people that are Human Beings for real.
oh, i do get annoyed so easily. that's poison. bring me to earth. let me look to the sky.
segunda-feira, 31 de maio de 2010
a todos os filhos da puta
a minha vitória sobre todos os filhos da puta com quem me cruzei, será remetê-los à sua insignificância; esquecer-me deles, mas não do seu veneno, das suas lições; espero apenas e de verdade não ficar contaminada. não permitir que me digam qual o caminho ou que o caminho que tracei não foi o mais bonito; pois
...Se ao que busco saber nenhum de vós responde
Por que me repetis: "vem por aqui!"?
Prefiro escorregar nos becos lamacentos,
Redemoinhar aos ventos,
Como farrapos, arrastar os pés sangrentos,
A ir por aí...
Como, pois, sereis vós
Que me dareis impulsos, ferramentas e coragem
Para eu derrubar os meus obstáculos?...
Corre, nas vossas veias, sangue velho dos avós,
E vós amais o que é fácil!
Eu amo o Longe e a Miragem,
Amo os abismos, as torrentes, os desertos...
E tendes regras, e tratados, e filósofos, e sábios...
Eu tenho a minha Loucura !
Levanto-a, como um facho, a arder na noite escura,
E sinto espuma, e sangue, e cânticos nos lábios...
Deus e o Diabo é que guiam, mais ninguém!
Ah, que ninguém me dê piedosas intenções,
Ninguém me peça definições!
José Régio; Cântico Negro
to those with whom i've been a mother fucker, i truly apologize
...Se ao que busco saber nenhum de vós responde
Por que me repetis: "vem por aqui!"?
Prefiro escorregar nos becos lamacentos,
Redemoinhar aos ventos,
Como farrapos, arrastar os pés sangrentos,
A ir por aí...
Como, pois, sereis vós
Que me dareis impulsos, ferramentas e coragem
Para eu derrubar os meus obstáculos?...
Corre, nas vossas veias, sangue velho dos avós,
E vós amais o que é fácil!
Eu amo o Longe e a Miragem,
Amo os abismos, as torrentes, os desertos...
E tendes regras, e tratados, e filósofos, e sábios...
Eu tenho a minha Loucura !
Levanto-a, como um facho, a arder na noite escura,
E sinto espuma, e sangue, e cânticos nos lábios...
Deus e o Diabo é que guiam, mais ninguém!
Ah, que ninguém me dê piedosas intenções,
Ninguém me peça definições!
José Régio; Cântico Negro
to those with whom i've been a mother fucker, i truly apologize
Ben Harper knows it!!
you pray on us when we sleep
you chase after the tired the poor the weak
you know you mean only harm
you reach out with your long arm
but oppression
I won't let you near me ( at least i will give you a fight; I may seem or even be a silly girl so many times but I'm not...)
you shall learn to fear me
you seek population control
to divide and to conquer is your goal
I swear that hatred is your home
you just won't leave bad enough alone
but oppression
I won't let you near me
you shall learn to fear me
I don't see how you sleep
for your bleeding conscience I weep
you may have the dollar on your side
but oppression
from the gospel truth you cannot hide
I won't let you near me
you shall learn to fear me
I won't let you near me
you shall fear me
you pray on us when we sleep
you chase after the tired the poor the weak
you know you mean only harm
you reach out with your long arm
but oppression
I won't let you near me ( at least i will give you a fight; I may seem or even be a silly girl so many times but I'm not...)
you shall learn to fear me
you seek population control
to divide and to conquer is your goal
I swear that hatred is your home
you just won't leave bad enough alone
but oppression
I won't let you near me
you shall learn to fear me
I don't see how you sleep
for your bleeding conscience I weep
you may have the dollar on your side
but oppression
from the gospel truth you cannot hide
I won't let you near me
you shall learn to fear me
I won't let you near me
you shall fear me
reminiscências_ parteII
aniquilação. opressão. o aniquilamento da própria personalidade devia ser punido por lei. a opressão disfarçada de algo muito feio que não aparenta ser tão horrendo assim. a frustação que certos seres -quase toda a gente mas uns que têm menos veneno que outros- descarregam noutros seres.
"Ninguém o pode fazer sentir inferior sem o seu consentimento", e tantas vezes o tenho consentido. tantas vezes me esqueço de não o consentir. e só depois de consentido me apercebo que o consenti. hoje não foi um dia mau. foi um dia de tortura. de revivalismo demasiado kitsch. de ferimento e exposição. de contacto com realidades que preferia não conhecer. de uma auto-tortura imposta sem justa causa ou até com justa causa mas injustificável.
I've been a bad, bad girl
I've been careless with a delicate man
And it's a sad, sad world
When a girl will break a boy just because she can
Don't you tell me to deny it
I've done wrong and I want to suffer for my sins
I've come to you 'cause I need guidance to be true
And I just don't know where I can begin
What I need is a good defense
'Cause I'm feeling like a criminal (also with myself and that is the worst; allow them to make you suffer)
And I need to be redeemedTo the one I've sinned against
Because he's all I ever knew of love
Heaven help me for the way I am (and help me to keep mysef myself and mentally healthy as sometimes I go to the end of the hole)
Save me from these evil deeds before I get them done
I know tomorrow brings the consequence at hand
But I keep living this day like the next will never come
Oh help me but don't tell me to deny it
I've got to cleanse myself of all these lies 'till I'm good enough for him (it's not about him or anyone in particular it's about them: all the fucking idiots that contribute to your unhappiness)
I've got a lot to lose and I'm bettin' high so I'm begging you
Before it ends just tell me where to begin
What I need is a good defense
'Cause I'm feeling like a criminal
And I need to be redeemed
To the one I've sinned against
Because he's all I ever knew of love
Let me know the way
Before there's hell to pay
Give me room to lay the law and let me go
I've got to make a play
To make my lover stay
So what would an angel say, the devil wants to know (so many times
What I need is a good defense
Cause I'm feelin' like a criminal
And I need to be redeemed
To the one I've sinned against
Because he's all I ever knew of love
What I need is a good defense
'Cause I'm feeling like a criminal
And I need to be redeemed
To the one I've sinned against
Because he's all I ever knew of looooooooooooooooooooooooooove
Yeah yeah yeah uhh uhh uhhhhhh...
"Ninguém o pode fazer sentir inferior sem o seu consentimento", e tantas vezes o tenho consentido. tantas vezes me esqueço de não o consentir. e só depois de consentido me apercebo que o consenti. hoje não foi um dia mau. foi um dia de tortura. de revivalismo demasiado kitsch. de ferimento e exposição. de contacto com realidades que preferia não conhecer. de uma auto-tortura imposta sem justa causa ou até com justa causa mas injustificável.
I've been a bad, bad girl
I've been careless with a delicate man
And it's a sad, sad world
When a girl will break a boy just because she can
Don't you tell me to deny it
I've done wrong and I want to suffer for my sins
I've come to you 'cause I need guidance to be true
And I just don't know where I can begin
What I need is a good defense
'Cause I'm feeling like a criminal (also with myself and that is the worst; allow them to make you suffer)
And I need to be redeemedTo the one I've sinned against
Because he's all I ever knew of love
Heaven help me for the way I am (and help me to keep mysef myself and mentally healthy as sometimes I go to the end of the hole)
Save me from these evil deeds before I get them done
I know tomorrow brings the consequence at hand
But I keep living this day like the next will never come
Oh help me but don't tell me to deny it
I've got to cleanse myself of all these lies 'till I'm good enough for him (it's not about him or anyone in particular it's about them: all the fucking idiots that contribute to your unhappiness)
I've got a lot to lose and I'm bettin' high so I'm begging you
Before it ends just tell me where to begin
What I need is a good defense
'Cause I'm feeling like a criminal
And I need to be redeemed
To the one I've sinned against
Because he's all I ever knew of love
Let me know the way
Before there's hell to pay
Give me room to lay the law and let me go
I've got to make a play
To make my lover stay
So what would an angel say, the devil wants to know (so many times
What I need is a good defense
Cause I'm feelin' like a criminal
And I need to be redeemed
To the one I've sinned against
Because he's all I ever knew of love
What I need is a good defense
'Cause I'm feeling like a criminal
And I need to be redeemed
To the one I've sinned against
Because he's all I ever knew of looooooooooooooooooooooooooove
Yeah yeah yeah uhh uhh uhhhhhh...
sábado, 29 de maio de 2010
e às vezes...
...ultrapassamos os preconceitos, e até a escuridão tão profunda em nós, e até... até temos a Esperança, o Sol que tudo varre e a Coragem de sermos Maiores...e é preciso Coragem para Acreditar que...que seremos Grandes.
...abstração e abstrair. e um foco interno focado. um sonho que se quer sonhado.
-vislumbrar o outro lado. acreditar no outro lado. mesmo sem casas de banho.
padres e professores.hierarquia. lourenço marques. "cabeça erguida, olhar sereno, marchamos". miséria espiritual. senhor doutor. ditadura. salazar. repressão psicológica. "lavagem cerebral". educação/ instrução?! ricos e pobres. miseráveis. o país onde fui criada/ instruída/ educada. o país com um tão vasto mar e tão curto horizonte. e é preciso. eu preciso. preciso ir mais além. não me afundar em areias tão sólidas. e é preciso uma injecção contra a poliomielite. e é preciso sonhar. querer sonhar. querer viajar. querer ganhar. querer ser rico. querer não ser pobre. querer ser responsável. não querer ser o bode expiatório. querer ser mais sem que para isso o outro tenha que ser menos. RESPONSABILIDADE E SONHO. arriscar e ganhar. arriscar e perder e não ter medo de voltar a arriscar. "I have a dream" e espero não acordar no pesadelo. onde se mudam os tempos e tanto parece não querer mudar. bajulação. educação. educação. Filosofia. filosofia com F. família. deus e a pátria. e a liberdade. ou a "insustentável leveza do ser".
sexta-feira, 28 de maio de 2010
Just listening_ part II
that la la la on LC version kind of annoys me and the videos are oversweet, therefore we choose this great version.
and i guess it wouldn't be fair if I didn't thank Mr AMS, for introducing me this marvelous version.
mandamento experimental de mulher madura
...às vezes porque já estão ditas, outras porque soubera eu dizê-las com tal mestria e seriam minhas.
fragmentos de uma senhora que às vezes escreve palavras que me tocam
" meu mandamento experimental de mulher madura ("Não responderás impulsivamente")(...) ...e sucede que os meus (níveis de impulsividade) já nasceram altos. É-me difícil refrear o hábito de dizer o que penso. Tenho-me treinado para o dizer com um recuo de tempo que me confira uns fumos de respeitabilidade, porque entre os mitos urbanos da nossa civilização refulge eese que associa a poucas palavras, e pronunciadas com um ar densamente meditado, a inteligência e o saber...."
"...As mulheres são treinadas para tomar as dores dos outros, o que não só as alivia das próprias como as conduz a interrogações permanentes, em catadupa´, sobre o que são, o que sentem, o que querem, além do que é esperado delas."
Inês Pedrosa in Sentimentos, Revista Única; 24/12/2009
"léxico masculino"??! só faltava o léxico ser masculino.
e prefiro o sub-título.
fragmentos de uma senhora que às vezes escreve palavras que me tocam
" meu mandamento experimental de mulher madura ("Não responderás impulsivamente")(...) ...e sucede que os meus (níveis de impulsividade) já nasceram altos. É-me difícil refrear o hábito de dizer o que penso. Tenho-me treinado para o dizer com um recuo de tempo que me confira uns fumos de respeitabilidade, porque entre os mitos urbanos da nossa civilização refulge eese que associa a poucas palavras, e pronunciadas com um ar densamente meditado, a inteligência e o saber...."
"...As mulheres são treinadas para tomar as dores dos outros, o que não só as alivia das próprias como as conduz a interrogações permanentes, em catadupa´, sobre o que são, o que sentem, o que querem, além do que é esperado delas."
Inês Pedrosa in Sentimentos, Revista Única; 24/12/2009
"léxico masculino"??! só faltava o léxico ser masculino.
e prefiro o sub-título.
quarta-feira, 26 de maio de 2010
domingo, 23 de maio de 2010
"wish you well"
some people pass through our life and leave us with scars
but would you prefer not to have scars
if so, i apologize if i hurted you
don't come closer
i won't show my scars.
people might have a lot of importance in our life
some just for one day
others for all your life
but as someone said that won't determine what was the importance they had in your life and if they still have
sometimes i wish i could be, in one day a beautiful woman and in the following a tough man. i just took some drugs, but not the right ones.
but would you prefer not to have scars
if so, i apologize if i hurted you
don't come closer
i won't show my scars.
people might have a lot of importance in our life
some just for one day
others for all your life
but as someone said that won't determine what was the importance they had in your life and if they still have
sometimes i wish i could be, in one day a beautiful woman and in the following a tough man. i just took some drugs, but not the right ones.
sexta-feira, 21 de maio de 2010
quinta-feira, 20 de maio de 2010
domingo, 16 de maio de 2010
Our goal is or Our GOals are FREEDOM AND RESPECT.
seems so easy and yet so distant.
as we, we people tend to think like our parents.
and parents are always correct (one day I will become a parent so there I can be always right.)
instead of respect we impose
instead of trying to understand the other point of you or even listen we suggest our.
we have walked a long way and in many ways we did it right
but there is still a long way to be walked.
we believe that besides FREEDOM and RESPECT there are no other ABSOLUTE VALUES.
(If anyone reads this and eventually make a wrong interpretation we hope that they can see RESPECT AND FREEDOM include everything that is important in life, including life itself.)
seems so easy and yet so distant.
as we, we people tend to think like our parents.
and parents are always correct (one day I will become a parent so there I can be always right.)
instead of respect we impose
instead of trying to understand the other point of you or even listen we suggest our.
we have walked a long way and in many ways we did it right
but there is still a long way to be walked.
we believe that besides FREEDOM and RESPECT there are no other ABSOLUTE VALUES.
(If anyone reads this and eventually make a wrong interpretation we hope that they can see RESPECT AND FREEDOM include everything that is important in life, including life itself.)
segunda-feira, 10 de maio de 2010
Know it sounds funny
Know it sounds funny
But I just can't stand the pain
Girl I'm leaving you tomorrow
Seems to me girl
You know I've done all I can
You see I begged, stole
And I borrowed
Ooh, that's why I'm easy
I'm easy like Sunday morning
That's why I'm easy
I'm easy like Sunday morning
Why in the world
Would anybody put charms on me?
I've paid my dues to make it
Everybody wants me to be
What they want me to be
I'm not happy when I try to fake it!
Ooh,that's why I'm easy
I'm easy like Sunday morning
That's why I'm easy
I'm easy like Sunday morning
I wanna be high, so high
I wanna be free to know
The things I do are right
I wanna be free
Just me, babe!
That's why I'm easy
I'm easy like Sunday morning
That's why I'm easy
I'm easy like Sunday morning
Because I'm easy
Easy like Sunday morning
Because I'm easy
Easy like Sunday morning
But I just can't stand the pain
Girl I'm leaving you tomorrow
Seems to me girl
You know I've done all I can
You see I begged, stole
And I borrowed
Ooh, that's why I'm easy
I'm easy like Sunday morning
That's why I'm easy
I'm easy like Sunday morning
Why in the world
Would anybody put charms on me?
I've paid my dues to make it
Everybody wants me to be
What they want me to be
I'm not happy when I try to fake it!
Ooh,that's why I'm easy
I'm easy like Sunday morning
That's why I'm easy
I'm easy like Sunday morning
I wanna be high, so high
I wanna be free to know
The things I do are right
I wanna be free
Just me, babe!
That's why I'm easy
I'm easy like Sunday morning
That's why I'm easy
I'm easy like Sunday morning
Because I'm easy
Easy like Sunday morning
Because I'm easy
Easy like Sunday morning
sexta-feira, 7 de maio de 2010
terça-feira, 4 de maio de 2010
Emptiness or fulness
different concepts, same consequences. not sure. but nowadays as long as we have a good sound bite that's all cool!
(I forgot that i was was was!! personal joke)
August 1998 or september
It's easier when you are eighteen
October 2005 or was it september(?!)
sensations are a cool thing
(I forgot that i was was was!! personal joke)
August 1998 or september
It's easier when you are eighteen
October 2005 or was it september(?!)
sensations are a cool thing
segunda-feira, 3 de maio de 2010
"Do you smoke?"
The good old days are always gold because they are old.
when you drink, no one asks if you drink
why then ask if you smoke
well, i do whenever i feel like. not as everything in life. i guess i could use a cigar now.
Mummy, put your needle down
How did you feel when you were young?
Cos I feel like I've just been born
Even though I'm getting on
How the world slips by so fast
How does anybody last?
As the world keeps coming
And the bees keep humming
And I'll keep running
Blue now is the colour
Love the drug I'm needing
Got to keep this feeling
"I have no time for hate or love
"Come on my friend
Drink to good times
Golden wishes
To your health and mine"
No reason.
Mummy, put your needle down
How did you feel when you were young?
Cos I feel like I've just been born
Even though I'm getting on
How the world slips by so fast
How does anybody last?
As the world keeps coming
And the bees keep humming
And I'll keep running
Blue now is the colour
Love the drug I'm needing
Got to keep this feeling
"I have no time for hate or love
"Come on my friend
Drink to good times
Golden wishes
To your health and mine"
No reason.
sábado, 1 de maio de 2010
for today is worker´s day
and a lot of people won't celebrate this day
although people don't make the distinction; at least some people, sometimes there is a big distinction between working and employment.
and because lately i'm not taking pictures i' m recovering an old picture; I think i never asked the person in question if i could take it's picture and worst if i could publish it and therefore i apologize.

work to live
or live to work
when that is an option everything is well
for a vast majority of people I doubt that is an option
i'm not complaining the others
but must be someone fault right?!
well Have a Restful WORKER'S DAY!
and a lot of people won't celebrate this day
although people don't make the distinction; at least some people, sometimes there is a big distinction between working and employment.
and because lately i'm not taking pictures i' m recovering an old picture; I think i never asked the person in question if i could take it's picture and worst if i could publish it and therefore i apologize.

work to live
or live to work
when that is an option everything is well
for a vast majority of people I doubt that is an option
i'm not complaining the others
but must be someone fault right?!
well Have a Restful WORKER'S DAY!
one of my favourite activities.
I always said i didn´t like genius but the truth is I envy them. the reason for that is that I'm good but not good enough. I'm not a genius. and if i'm not a genius that's because genius don't exist. one of my stupid statements.
talking of stupid statements and i'm not saying that one is stupid,
but i wonder if we could change our personality by changing our sleeping position.
wouldn't that be funny?! I, for instance, could try to find how genius sleep!
anyway, have i told you before that i like "doors"
"When the music's over
Turn out the lights ..."
the sleeping beauty
I always said i didn´t like genius but the truth is I envy them. the reason for that is that I'm good but not good enough. I'm not a genius. and if i'm not a genius that's because genius don't exist. one of my stupid statements.
talking of stupid statements and i'm not saying that one is stupid,
but i wonder if we could change our personality by changing our sleeping position.
wouldn't that be funny?! I, for instance, could try to find how genius sleep!
anyway, have i told you before that i like "doors"
"When the music's over
Turn out the lights ..."
the sleeping beauty
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