sábado, 7 de agosto de 2010

"The Courage to be"

"what Tillich calls the "Courage to Be" or the "Courage to be as Part". ...the creation of meaning through courageous and creative response..."

"Becket and Kafka...To read the novels or view these plays or to examine the paintings of Hopper and Tooker is to see emptiness revealed, an emptiness that lurks beneath our everyday awareness. These artists have not shrunk in moralistic timidity from the experience of emptiness, but they have responded to it creatively. ..."

"...the "absurdity" of human life..."un homme revolté" who accepts the burden of the absurdity of this stance....

These artists and philosophers, therefore, ...are social and individual therapists who serve as beacons to those embarked on the process of emotional growth.

They are only a beacon, for the actual work of development is always the responsibility of the individual.
Dostoievsky...Thomas Mann...seem agreed that the experience of emptiness requires a creative response.

Clive Hazell in The Experience of emptiness

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